How to Create Your Architectural Shot List from an Architectural Photographer

Your go-to guide for creating a shot list that will lead to success!

Architectural photography by Rob Harris Productions

Drawing on years of experience as architectural photographers and videographers, we understand the importance of a smooth and successful shoot. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of creating your architectural shot list. By the end of this article, you’ll be ready to create your own architectural shot list from scratch.

At Rob-Harris Productions, our focus is on you, our client. From the beginning of your project, we prioritize understanding how you plan to use your photographs or videos. We tailor our approach to meet your needs, whether for print materials like brochures, or digital platforms like websites and online ads. Once we’ve clarified your project goals, we’ll work closely with you to curate a shot list and ensure everything is in place for a successful shoot day. 



General Considerations for Your Shot List

  • Who is this being shot for? Interior designers, developers, builders, architects—all of these partners have somewhat different needs, so it’s important to know that your architectural photographer can shoot appropriately for each one.
  • Will you want people (or “talent,” as we photographers like to say) included in your photos? 
  • How do you plan to use this photography or videography? Very likely, you will be using it for marketing materials? If so, what kind? Is it print marketing, like brochures, mailers, or a billboard? Or is it digital, like for your website and online advertising? Maybe it’s a mixture of both.

Post-Production Considerations

You may not know what you want from post-production until we get there (and that’s okay). Our main goal is to get the architectural photography and videography as close to perfect as possible while we’re on-site. Still, there is almost always some level of post-production magic. Consider the following for your project:

  • Do you want logos or images on blank screens, like on TVs or computer screens, in the shots?
  • Do you want tree straps, signage, sales offices, or other distracting items removed?
  • Is the grass brown or missing? Do you want us to replace it with green grass?
  • What is showing outside of the windows? This is particularly important if your property is under construction and no plants are out the windows. Getting the right kind of foliage is also important: when we replace scenery outside your windows, we get the foliage from your location. For example, we never put Florida foliage out of a North Carolina window.
  • Generally speaking, what elements in the photos need to be swapped out or fixed?
Shot of a modern home by Mettamy Homes

Shot on behalf of Mattamy Homes

For Residential Photography & Videography

  • What rooms do you want shot? Even if it’s to be determined, our team will make a call or suggestion to help you.
  • A kitchen is guaranteed in any home, so that needs to make your shot list.
  • We typically want to show the home from multiple angles to show how rooms are connected to each other and how the home is integrated into itself. But if you only want to feature an individual room, we need to know that so we can cut the photography in tighter vs further away.
  • See some of our residential photography here
Photo of large commercial residential building with pool, shot on behalf of Camden Living

Shot on behalf of Camden Living

For Multi-family and Apartment Photography & Videography

  • List the amenities you want to showcase.
  • Do you want the apartment units themselves to be photographed? If you want to see the apartment units photographed, they can typically be covered in 3-6 shots.
  • Do you want to photograph the common areas?
  • See some of our multi-family/apartment photography here
    Shot by Rob-Harris on behalf of Tampa VA Clinic

    Shot on behalf of Tampa VA Clinic

    For Corporate and Commercial Photography & Videography

    Corporate and commercial photography normally includes a few of these in their shot lists:

    1. Common areas
    2. Reception areas
    3. Workplaces (can include things like reception, exam rooms, computer labs, coworking environments, break rooms, and kitchens)
    4. See some of our corporate/commercial photography here
    Large interior residential communcal space shot by Rob Harris

    Shot on behalf of Florida interior designers Beasley & Henley

    For Interior Designer Photography & Videography

    What artwork do you want to be featured? Include angles if you know what angle you would like it shot at. If not, you can count on our judgment.

      Exterior shot of a multi-family residential property shot for Camden by Rob-Harris Productions

      Shot on behalf of Camden Living

      For Drone Photography & Videography

      Do you want aerial or high-angle exterior photographs or videos of your property? If so, make sure your architectural photographer can provide drone photography and videography.

      • What height level do you want the drone flown at? If you’re unsure, we can help you choose the appropriate height level.
      • If there’s a specific time of day that they would like, is sunrise or sunset required?
      • See some of our drone photography work here

      We hope these lists help you feel confident and prepared to create a shot list tailored to your project needs. We’re dedicated to delivering stunning visuals that align perfectly with your vision. Ready to bring your architectural vision to life? Let’s make your next shoot a success!

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